Nov 04, 2022
Once the US boarders were closed because of Covid, the US noticed the need to increase the goat industry to reduce the amount of imported goat products. CPM noticed this increase and the need for high quality, affordable feed for goat producers. From show feeds to commercial meat production, CPM has plenty of options for producers. Let’s take a look into our CPM Goat 365!
The CPM Goat 365 was originally designed to be high quality and affordable for breeding does. Once it was being fed, we found it to be an extremely versatile feed. It may only have a 2 pound feed rate but it packs a punch with the nutrients it delivers.
CPM Goat 365 provides Zinpro’s Availa 4, a chelated trace mineral pack, which is used to promote multiple aspects. The main areas in does that are most impactful for production are their reproduction system, skin and hoof health, and milk production. Availa 4 improves those aspects! It also promotes growth and muscle development, fiber digestion, and energy metabolism; which are all important in any stage of production! When the diet is balanced with trace minerals, animals are able to cope with stress with more ease.
Not only does CPM Goat 365 provide Availa 4 but it also provides Diamond V XPC! Diamond V XPC is a yeast culture that promotes gut health. With a healthier gut, the body becomes more efficient which leads to higher milking yields, heavier weaning weights, and increased feed conversion; which leads to improved weight gains in the end. With a healthier gut the immune system is stronger making it easier to cope with stress.
CPM Goat 365 is available with or without Rumensin® depending on your operation. Rumensin® is a great additive and is highly recommended to aid in the prevention of Coccidiosis. It will not prevent it but it will help decrease the amount of shedding that occurs. By decreasing the amount of shedding, you reduce the amount of bacteria the animals are exposed to which reduces their risk.
The CPM Goat 365 fits into many situations. No matter what your operation entails CPM can help you find the feed for the job! If you are looking for more information on goat feed, reach out to CPM today!
Janessa Smola
Nutritionist/ Livestock Advisor