We employ a diversified package of techniques to master the art of feed manufacturing from minerals to complete feeds. We provide an in-depth record system and feed sampling to back up our process and quality control points.
Jun 01, 2023
Written by Alison Bishop, Retail Nutrition Advisor
Fly season is here! Did you know that just a few adult flies can quickly populate to 4,000 or more, per animal? What are you using for fly control on your animals? There are plenty of options and it’s all about what works best for your animals and your operation.
Have you considered feeding fly control through your feed or minerals? We have options for this treatment route. A very effective product for cattle, horses, goats, sheep, and pigs is the Purina High-Octane Fly Control Supplement with Clarify. You always want to start 30 days before the last frost in the spring and 30 days after the first frost in the fall for optimal results. This supplement works by passing through the animal’s digestive system, out into the manure where fly eggs are laid and so feeding recommendations by body weight and species are recommended.
For cattle, considering insecticides, fly ear tags, pour-on’s or using loose mineral or mineral tubes in feed, are other options for help with fly control. When using loose minerals in feed, 4 oz per cow is the recommended amount. It’s important to watch the mineral intake on a regular basis and use a feeder for every 15-20 head of cow, with a water source nearby. Specific products we offer are Wind and Rain Storm All Season 7.5 Complete Altosid Fly Control Beef Cattle Mineral Feed, CPM6000, and Kent Framework 365 Mineral ADF AFC. Additionally, we offer tub form Wind & Rain AS 4 Tub Altosid and Purina EquiTub® Horse Supplement with Fly Control.
Enjoy the summer and help your animals do the same by controlling the flies! Need more information or still have questions? Reach out today and contact one of our Livestock Advisors.
Allison talks more about how and why she makes certain recommendations for her customers in this video.
CPM would like to introduce Cameron Johnston from Columbus, Nebraska! This summer he will be the Livestock Nutrition Advisor intern at Central Plains Milling and will spend most of his time between the Columbus and Howells locations.
Cameron is a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, finishing his bachelor’s degree in Applied Science with a minor in the Nebraska Beef Industry Scholars program. If you see Cameron around this summer, tell him hi!
Do you have chicks, ducklings, or other recently hatched poultry? We offer the Chick Starter Medicated, which is 22.11% crude protein. You’ll want to feed this ration to your growing chicks from day 1 to 21 days old.
We employ a diversified package of techniques to master the art of feed manufacturing from minerals to complete feeds. We provide an in-depth record system and feed sampling to back up our process and quality control points.